Join us NEXT SUNDAY @ 10am!
Choose a Service or Event
We would be honored to have you join us for one of our Sunday Services @ 10am. You may also want to join us for one of our upcoming Trainings or Events that you will find on our Events Page. Please notice the date and time for your event.
Review our Location
View our location using the map to the right. We are located at 1801 Alexandria Drive Suite 104 Lexington KY 40504. Step by step Driving directions are available HERE.
What To Expect
The most common, reoccuring feedback we recieve from our guests is that they feel welcomed, loved, and genuinely valuable. For more on what to expect from, CLICK HERE.
Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before the service or event begins so that you can choose seating, find the restrooms, and enjoy your visit. On Sundays, our coffee bar with beverages and breakfast treats opens at 9 AM, so plan to come early and enjoy some hospitality on us! Our Welcome Staff will greet you and provide assistance.

Destiny is located on the West side of Lexington in the Garden Springs Shopping Center across from the Kroger on Alexandria Drive. The entrance to our space is at the back-left of the building under the burgundy awning.
Get step by step Driving Directions
Worship Service
10:00 am
Children’s Ministry
& Nursery provided.
Coffee Bar @ 9am
Small Groups
meet throughout the week on various days at various times.

Our worship is vibrant, engaging, and powerful. Our goal is interactive encounters with God as we magnify Him together. During our worship times, you might encounter others worshipping with their hands raised, dancing, kneeling, or other forms of worship.

Our messages are insightful and fresh. Our goal is to preach the Gospel of Jesus in a way that speaks to our generation and culture. We believe that the Word of God is revelational and alive, able to bring freedom and growth into our lives. Good messages are valuable; Great messages are inspired and God-breathed for today.

Our services often include times of corporate and personal ministry. Our goal is to be the Church – to operate out of the model we see in the Book of Acts and the early church. You can expect to see believers function in the supernatural though spiritual gifts. Our Alter & Prophetic Teams are available for personal ministry after each service.

Our children have a special focus and ministry time at Destiny . Our goal is to meet each child where they are, introduce them to Jesus, and guide them on a powerful journey as a Christian. Our children share the worship time with our adults and then enjoy their own age-appropriate lessons and activities. Destiny Kids is for ages 3 to 11 and our Nursery provides ministry care from birth to 3.
God – There is only one true God who manifests Himself as the Trinity – Father, Son, and Spirit. God is all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere, perfect, loving, just, faithful, merciful, creative, and so much more! Jesus is the Son of God and the only Savior for mankind.
Humanity – God created man in His image to have fellowship with Him and to share in ruling over His creation. Every man and woman born was created with a divine purpose and dream, and has great value to God and the fulfillment of His Kingdom on earth. (Genesis 1:26-28)
Sin – Man sinned through Adam’s disobedience and has lived under the curse that passed down a sin-bent nature. Every person born is guilty before God and deserving of fitting punishment. (Romans 5:12-20, Romans 6:23)
Grace – God loves us so much that He took the punishment for man’s sin upon Himself when He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross. If we come to God for real relationship through repentance, salvation is a free gift that begins to work restoration in our lives. (John 3:16, Romans 5:8 & 15, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8-9)
Truth – The Bible is the pure word of God for man and will lead us to real relationships with both God and others. (2 Timothy 3:16, Joshua 1:8) God is still speaking to the world, to man, and especially to believers (John 10:3,16,27) Our passion and success will largely be determined by our ability to discern God’s voice in our generation and align ourselves to be obedient to it. (1 Chronicles 12:32, 2 Peter 1:12)
Church – God has chosen to fulfill the work of His Son Jesus through the blood washed saints who come together as the Body and Bride of Christ. The church is a growing organism, not a static organization. Led and equipped by a graced 5-fold leadership (Ephesians 4:1-16) and empowered by the Spirit and His gifts (Acts 1:8, Romans 12:5-8, 1 Corinthians 12) , the church is destined for greatness as she re-presents God to the world and brings manifestation on earth to God’s Kingdom until all the kingdoms of the earth are brought into God’s Kingdom (Psalms 149:9, Revelation 15:11).

Tim & Dawn Cole, Lead Pastors
Tim & & Dawn have a passion to raise up spiritual sons & daughters into their divine assignments so that our generation will have the opportunity of knowing God. Leading churches for over 30 years, Tim & Dawn are passionate about mentoring, creativity, the supernatural, and loving God. They both are authors and have spoken internationally in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Whenever we need to really hear God’s voice or just sit in His powerful presence, Destiny is where we come.
You guys have the true gospel. Those guys [prophetic team] read my mail. They didn’t know anything about me, and they read my mail. This is the real deal. I’m blown away. And I’ll be back.
When I started coming to Destiny, no one knew what I was going through, not even the folks at my own church. I needed healing and someone invited me to come to Destiny. As I just sat through the services God healed me. I’m so grateful.
“A word of knowledge came that God wanted to heal a right shoulder. I have always struggled with pain and God touched me. Things that usually bother me have not caused me any pain! God has done a miracle for me!

1801 Alexandria Dr Suite 104 Lexington KY 40504 | 859.629.8955
© 2024 Destiny Community Church.