Switzerland – Revive
March 2023 | Tim & Dawn Cole
We are going to minister to 5 Revive ministry leaders and 20 European university students near Geneva, Switzerland. This is part of a larger revival movement targeting European University students. They hold a large bi-annual conference with 3k+ in attendance.
To know Dawn & I is to know that we were created for just this kind of assignment – to encourage, strengthen, and train leaders who God is giving great influence in their own sphere of calling & ministry. We will be teaching the how to hear the voice of God and prophesying impartation to all the participants.
Would you help send us to influence these leaders and revivalists? Would you sow with us into the revival of Europe for Jesus? We need to raise $2500 for airfare. They will be taking care of us while we are with them in-country.
- Mission – Switzerland Revive – $2,500 20%
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England – Revive
June 2023 | Tim & Dawn Cole
We are going to minister with Revive ministry to over 100 European university students in England this June. This is part of a larger revival movement targeting European University students. They hold a large bi-annual conference with 3k+ in attendance.
To know Dawn & I is to know that we were created for just this kind of assignment – to encourage, strengthen, and train leaders who God is giving great influence in their own sphere of calling & ministry. We will be teaching the how to hear the voice of God and prophesying impartation to all the participants.
Would you help send us to influence these leaders and revivalists? Would you sow with us into the revival of Europe for Jesus? We need to raise $2500 for airfare. They will be taking care of us while we are with them in-country.
- Mission – England Revive – $2,500 10%
** choose Mission 2023**

Mission 2023
Poland, Norway, Ukraine | Tim & Dawn Cole
The mission is clear and the assignment is big:
- Encourage & strengthen churches and leaders to build up the Bride of Christ
- Release the voice of God into Europe to transform and set things into motion and train up an army of believers who can hear God for themselves and for the nations.
- Train up multi-generational disciples who follow Jesus and release the Kingdom with signs, wonders, and miracles
- Build bridges connecting the Body of Christ beyond local borders to see “the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ.”
More details to come and prayer points for you to help carry this mission to completion with us.
Would you help send us to meet the call of the heart of God for the nations? Would you sow with us into the revival of Europe for Jesus? We need to raise $6,000 for this trip.
- Mission 2023 – Poland, Norway, Ukraine – $6,000 10%
** choose Mission 2023**
Partner with Destiny
God has called us to change our city, state, region, nation, and to the nations of the earth. And we are more than ready to “take our mountain’! We are committed to building a powerful army of believers who know who God is and who they are in Him
We need your help. Pray about supporting us on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis. Your contributions matter and make all the difference in the world! Thank you in advance for your heart and will to build God’s kingdom with us.

1801 Alexandria Dr Suite 104 Lexington KY 40504 | 859.629.8955
© 2024 Destiny Community Church.