FEB 1-2, 2020 – William Hinn Conference



Saturday, Feb 1 @ 6p, |  Sunday, Feb 2@ 10am (NO 6pm service)

Childcare only provided Sunday moring.

Jesus is the center of the Believer, the Church, and the Kingdom. Come re-assign your focus on the One who is worthy of it!  Worship, Word, Ministry.


Registration is free but required for the Saturday evening service to manage seating for this event.

Saturday 6pm – REGISTRATION REQUIRED  (no childcare)

Sunday 10am – NO REGISTRATION  (childcare provided)

Sunday 6pm –  NO REGISTRATION  (no childcare)



William Hinn is an itinerant speaker for Lifestyle Christianity a ministry led by Todd White and also serves as Director of Ministry Relations. His heart is to see a generation run whole-heartedly after Jesus walking in power, identity, intimacy, and righteousness. During his teens and early twenties, William served in local church ministry as a pastor and worship leader at his father’s church. In addition to previously serving as Todd White’s assistant, William directed ministry events in large venues, arenas, and stadiums for both Lifestyle Christianity and other ministries for nearly five years. He and his wife Emily have two beautiful children: William and Elizabeth.

LOCATION: Destiny Church

1801 Alexandria Way Suite 104
Lexington KY 40504

[Map & Directions]

1801 Alexandria Dr Suite 104 Lexington KY 40504  |  859.269.2874

© 2023 Destiny Community Church.